Which one of the equations do you subscribe to?
U and RoW: 4% is 100%, or
U and HGII: 4% + 96% is 100%
The above equations represent our method of questioning which model of reality of the physical universe that you subscribe to,
U represents yourself;
RoW represents Rest of the World (outside the physicists community); and
HGII represents Human Governance Institute Inc. (similar with quantum physicists)
If your model of the physical universe is confined to material observable, measurable, visible and empirical, then your thought is captured by the First equation. This is because the galaxies, planets, stars, sun etc. which are observable make up only about 4% (or sometimes said as 5% when rounded up) of the physical universe. The remaining 96% is made up of dark energy and dark matter. This fact about the nature of the physical universe is available in the book, "Human Governance: A Paradigm Shift in Governing Corporations" page 52.
What is the implication of thinking that the physical universe is only about material observable? NOT WRONG but it is an incomplete picture of the physical world.
Should you uphold to this only-material world belief, may we suggest that you visit the works of science to learn more about the realm of the physical universe. It is useful to know how the earlier principles of the 17th - 19th Century Classical Newtonian/Cartesian science have been found since the early 20th Century not applicable in the sub-atomic world which led to the advancement of Quantum Mechanics/Quantum Theory. Quantum Theory is said as the most successful theory in the history of physics.
We at HGII are only sharing the facts regarding the physical universe according to such discovery. It is such discovery that has made modern technology possible.
We quote an article prepared by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, referenced on the works of world renowned quantum physicists, "although quantum mechanics was created to describe an abstract atomic world far removed from daily experience, its impact on our daily lives could hardly be greater. The spectacular advances in chemistry, biology, and medicine—and in essentially every other science—could not have occurred without the tools that quantum mechanics made possible. Without quantum mechanics there would be no global economy to speak of, because the electronics revolution that brought us the computer age is a child of quantum mechanics. So is the photonics revolution that brought us the Information Age. The creation of quantum physics has transformed our world, bringing with it all the benefits—and the risks—of a scientific revolution."
"It [quantum mechanics] has guided the development of everyday technologies from lasers to MRI machines ..." - The Economist.
To the above list of scientific and technological advances, we wish to add that the invention of the mobile phones too, has been made possible with the discovery of quantum physics.
We wish to declare too, that we at HGII also recognise the existence of the non-physical universe.
Another question that needs responding to, is which model of the nature of human do you subscribe to? Chapter 5 of the "Human Governance: A Paradigm Shift in Governing Corporations" book explains in further detail which model of the nature of human that we at HGII subscribe to. To quote, "... humans, to us, ... viewed as one, where the non-material soul is the essence, the core residing in the physical biological body for locomotion."
One's model of the nature of human and the universe will also influence one's thought about knowledge and the source of knowledge (how do we know) - epistemology - and what the "self" and existence - ontology - means. Consequently, the purpose of knowledge can be viewed by some as only for transacting of daily sustenance and activities. For some others on the other hand, knowledge is to both found the quality of self (character) and for daily transaction. The latter sees epistemology as serving ontology.
Why do we raise questions regarding your thought on the model of reality of the universe and the nature of human? We hope by raising such questions, we can bring to light of the existence of different schools of thought relating to both the models of the universe and the nature of human.
What is the implication then if one is not aware of one's thought on the models regarding both the universe and the nature of human? We will say, "nothing wrong" except however that one may not realise that the model of reality according to one's belief system may not be what one is living out (the third question we raised). Regarding the model of the nature of human for instance, one may believe in a paradigm which upholds human as being consituted out of both physical and meta-physical/spiritual components, yet live out the daily life as if humans are only of physical material components. Sometimes, one may take up a position to maintain living out a different philosophy in one's private space versus what one does in the public/professional sphere. If in this situation, one will have to decide if one is "comfortable" and wishes to continue or not with this modern life phenomenon of separation between personal and professional domains.
What we hope to do is fill in the gap to offer some explanations towards a potential alternative approach for those who are seeking to live out an integral life - one based on Wisdom tradition paralleled by Quantum Physics.
We thus invite everyone to start questioning what model of the universe and the nature of human you subscribe to. By doing so, at least, you are in a position to make a more informed decision.